
Batu pahat

when I knew that I was invited to join the whole renovation project in batu pahat kingdom hall, I was like, waaaaaaaaaaa, superrrrb excited!
Waiting and waiting, finally the day come, many many luggage neh.
Brother sisters here so kind so generous, lots of lots of foodddd. I think I gain some weight... :(
Anywhere, that was my the point, the point is they are very generous.
Somehow the materials delayed so the whole project postponed for one more week.
So yesterday was the first meeting in the new kingdom hall, seeing the brothers and sisters happy face when step in the new hall, taking pictures here and there, worth, all the hard work is worth.
Drop by seremban just now, pick up some painting stuff, and just nice to,meet up with brothers sisters in my cong, long time no see~ not that long actually just 5-6 weeks, but is really good to see all of you, gonna miss here so much again :D
So, bye batu pahat, we'll back soon, cheras rawang pontian, we're coming!!! ^.^




Tioman 之旅

悠然记得大约半年前,某位友人突然提议去旅行,一小组人去罢了。“nice!so 我们会去哪里leh?”,“tioman?如何”, “on!”。然后就开始筹备咯。(谢谢颜家大姐的安排!)
一行人浩浩荡荡出发了,潘帅&我负责开车。路途中因赶时间,好像被拍照了。不怪得有人说技术不是最重要的,重要的是找到一份好的工作;拍照的技术不是最重要的,但是我们遇到的“摄影师”虽然拍照不会很美,但他拍的每张都值几百块…… 差不多3-4点我们才到达。那个不是重点,重点是……我很饿啊!!!!加上嚼了差不多5个小时多的口香糖,牙齿已经麻痹了。快快check-in,快快去makan,hayakuuuuuu!吃了唯一一餐需要付费的(其他餐旅店包了),然后找周公~6点多有人同意去海滩走走,看下能见到日落吗。坦白说,个人觉得星期三的日落和晚上的星星是最美的
😊那天晚上,晚餐后,家庭崇拜,虽然说少了几个节目,但还是用了差不多两个小时才结束。难得大家有这么多的评论和看法,你一言我一语,不知不觉就到了10点。这件resort其中一个蛮不错的东西就是每晚都有茶点,糖水啊,🍰啊(不过我们住这里的三天都好像只有香蕉🍰),还OK 啦~ 谈天,💤,第一天结束。

星期四,6月2日,晴。 6.35am,闹钟响了,我醒了,但那个闹钟不是我set的!有个小子set闹钟来叫醒我们,好让我们叫醒他,欠打…… 每天的早餐都是7点开始,烘面包咯,牛奶咯,nasi lemak咯。不错啦,填得饱肚子就行了,没太多要求。
8.30am左右,出发,浮潜。船停在海中央,然后大家就下船看🐟看珊瑚。我们买了些喂鱼的面包来骗鱼靠近我们 😄每个人都很期待看到nemo,但是它们pattern多多没有出来。不过还好有看到几条nemo的朋友,蓝蓝色尾巴黄黄那种(忘了叫神马名字)。还有很多很多的珊瑚。我印象最深刻的是一个很像honey star 的珊瑚,清澈的海水中显而易见的黄色珊瑚,漂亮! 午餐我们在第二个浮潜的地点享用简单的午餐,一条🐟,一gao🐔,几条菜,就一餐。大概12点多1点,船到了,下一站,免税店。进去走了一圈,好像没什么特别便宜的。当我们绕去卖酒的地方时,我们抬了差不多30支酒出来(虽然大部分是果汁+酒) 每个人差不多两支(小孩除外)。在那儿呆了一个钟头左右我们就回去我们的民舍。 每个人回到民舍时都累了,“等下要做什么”, “睡觉先啦,很累啊”…… 讲罢料,6点多差不多全部人又跑去海滩玩了。说好的睡觉呢😩 搞到我又心痒痒跟着去,累是累,玩料先。到了海滩,有些尽力充沛的小姐们继续游泳,我没下水的瘾,就在海滩上丢丢石头,拍拍照😜 
后来有人提议要拍跳跃照,ok lo, 拍咯,我们好像拍了很多次,没有办法咯,相机lao giap。但是不幸中之大幸就是当我们要放弃时,尽然给我们拍到了,尽管不是最好的,不过还可以咯。拍完了后,差不多7点就回房冲凉然后吃饭。晚上就交往咯,宵夜,继续交往,周公
我明明记得昨天提醒过那个小弟不用set闹钟,但是那个死小子还是set 了,而且还是比我 set 的早20分钟…… 今天的早餐也是7点开始,还不错哦,有粥。7.50 am,早晨崇拜。 原本今天早上要去瀑布的,但是听说好像是因为没有船,所以行程改去下午了。酱啊,要做什么leh?玩咯!先去划船,划到我翻船,还是唯一一艘翻的😅 划啊划,一个小时就过去了,我们会在下午1.30左右才出发去瀑布,现在才10点左右,hmmmm 做什么leh?继续玩咯!我和小弟打排球,小姐们都去游泳了。时间过得还真快,转瞬间就12点了,冲回房,冲下凉,午餐。

1.30出发去瀑布,还蛮不错啦,只是我们12人去,还有一个导游,比较多的私人空间~ erm,那个“瀑布”并没有我们想象中的宏伟,纯粹是个简单的瀑布,不过大家都玩得很开心,毕竟没有人kakacaucau。玩水啊,吃零食,我就死命拍照,然后乱乱爬那里的石头,好像很厉害酱😤

回到来时已经是5点左右,正打算去海滩时,轰!☔️了,原本还打算去海滩拍多一点照的,看来需要延迟了。有点失望的说,原本还以为可以再回去之前拍多一点合照,原本还以为可以再回去之前和妳拍一些夕阳下的照片,泡汤咯~ 那天的晚餐我个人还满意的啦,bbq。有烤羊肉,烧🐟,烧sotong,饱到不得料。吃过晚餐后我门就去看 还真的很多星星哦,不过就是有很多人造灯破坏了整体的美观,然后妳就自告奋勇地说要去关灯,还真的给妳问到了哦,强!灯熄了,我躺下,看着那漫天的星辰,心中那种满足是真的非笔墨所能形容的 ,如果硬硬要形容,我会说,幸福😊 过后我们去走走,结果还真的让我们遇到唯一一间华人餐厅,不过看起来门可罗雀啦,加油哦。夜间,继续交往round 2。

8.30左右,我们上船了,做了大概两个小时多才到达码头,然后就开始回家了。到了mersing 就随便找间店解决掉我们的午餐,还让我们遇到附近的弟兄姐妹,果然是无处不在。 我也不懂开了多少个小时的车,大约6点左右我们总于回到老家了。

虽然在来回开车时会有分心的时候,但我一直和自己说,“6条人命在你手上,包括她,你想要他们安全到达的话就跟我专心开车!” 有时,不是属于你的东西,不要太过强求,做好你分内的东西,如果结局并没有像预期般发生,那么有时候需要学习放手,前提是不要让自己因没做到某些事而后悔。 谢谢你们给了我一个这么难忘的旅程。^o^



looking forward for the next project~ all the best for the upcomming work!!



7.37am, 第一次这么早到工地,20分钟。
应该大部分人都放假吧~ 没办法,要赶工。电台播着 閻弈格<也可以> hmmmm 没放假,也可以啦,但是有些很引诱人的节目啊,可惜不能参加。
Minasan, 传道 gambathe
开工咯~ fighting !!!!



4.40, 有人拍拍我的脚(妈妈叫我了)
5.10, 出门,打油
5.15, 载矮子;早上没车,红灯就算了啦, 没车就转~
5.33, 载妳爱人,他穿到整个malat lou 酱
5.42, 真真的没车,第一次酱快从temiang 到 museum mcd
5.50- 6.05, 差不多都到了,剩一个老大司机(据说是在穿裤子)
6.15, 机场go go go
7.00, gps 很panai,带我走机场里面,它以为我是灰机
7.15-20, 终于到了(另外一辆车7点到了)
7.25+, jalan jalan,第一次来 klia 2
7.30+ ,见面了,妳还是那个妳,没差
“又讲没有来”,我笑了笑,“诶 longsheng,佳慧,肥荣!做么你们有来的?”,他们也是笑了笑。就是不要跟你讲啊,讲了不是没有惊喜。我看着妳看到我们来时的表情,有点惊讶,一直那边傻笑,应该是很兴奋吧~(自我感觉良好)
*拍照,拍照;家长见面会(妳的爱人 XD,他有点paiseh)
8.24,“好啦我哦要进去了”,妳说。妳跟妳的家人抱抱、道别。“再见”,妳对我们说,“谢谢你们来”, 然后又是笑。这次我很肯定妳的笑是掩饰心中的悲哀。
8.30, 妳们的领导召集妳们,团照,check-in
这期间,除了观察妳,我还留意到了一个人,你的huan huan,他有点像望ger石站在那里,有点悲哀的背景。
9.50+, 安全抵达,早午餐时间~
读书加油!回来了找我们 yamcha~



recently my friends all busying with choosing the college they going to study after receiving their results, well one of them actually called n asked me bout some details
"i not going to continue my study le", 
"har?!! wey dun ply ply la, say probably"
"yup, not lying u , i din even buy the pin that require to register for college"
*silence.."o, ook la, so wat u plan to do??"
i just told him that maybe continue work
"i have my plan", " well, all the best".....
yup u r the 1st schoolmate that noe i not going to continue my study, n i'm not that suprise by ur response. my plan? hmmmm, i dunno, mayb going to leave my hometown soon~
i have the things that i've been working for, just, not sure when it will happen, application will be made on may i guess, if nothing goes wrong, june will be the month
i'm not very sure what i will feel if i really going to leave, n i dun wan everyone to noe bout that, not that fast, mayb later will inform everyone bout that. one thing for sure, i gonna miss everything in the cong



I not sure what to say, cz I never have a pet before, except some fish?? Which I does not really put in that much feeling on them, so they die quite often-.-...
Still, I'm quite shock when heard bout that news, ur bro still told me the whole story, n I can feel his pain through the way he speak n his tone. I dare not to say anything, cz sometime I speak faster than I think, perhaps might say something not appropriate. So I remain silence until he finish everything. No wonder ur family looks so down today, really sorry bout what happen to it.
离别永远是痛苦的,if u need someone to talk to, I'm always here, even though I might not be the one that good in comforting others, yet I'm a good listener :)
RIP momo....



so? is around 2 year i since last time i update my blog, ermm busy studying? XD

last year only graduate from form 6, though is seriously very hard, but, ya , learn lot's of thing. after come out to work, only start to miss those time that v actually hanging around the school, mcd, library, hostel, cafe... to study. but still at the end, the result sometimes is quite cacat la.

so i guess most of my friend ald start working, most of them part time gua. still planning to do a one day trip to visit all of them, that sounds great !! perhaps can get something free :D, like some Starbucks~ 

i should admit that i really miss studying, compare to work, at least u can still use ur brain, not saying that working wont be using brain la, the chance of doing so is lesser. ya la, study also very very hard, especially form 6, tx to our beloved education department. 

so tmr is the day our sem 3 result will be release, just realise bout that. what feeling??? not that nervous actually, AND I NOT GOING TO RETAKE!! like one of my friend told us in the primary school: "what for being sad or disappointed bout the result? none of these feeling can help to change the result also, so why dont v just accept it with n open heart?" n btw, he also refuse to check the ans after each exam, cz he said that checking the ans is no use, what had past ald past.

one month past, u ask me how's my work? well, i'll say that every work is hard, nothing comes easy, but just how u face those things that come into ur journey of life, either u let it be the obstacle n forever stay thr, or u can try to overcome it. as u know that i like to smile, so i met some people in the working place, they asked me why is that i so happy? got girl friend a? ur payment banyak a? "no, what i always remind myself is that every single day pass without considered ur feeling, so i prefer to finish the whole day with a happy heart. most of my working partner is foreigners, n i do heard some of the interesting story bout them, u can say that i learn many wiring skill from them too, although their malay is not that fluent, but still they willing to chit-chat with u, for me la, they quite nice, for now (later i tak tahu la)

also mostly i work alone, not to say the whole working place only got me, but v barely talk during work, so i got lot of time to meditate, bout everything, those creations that Jeh gave us, cz when i lift up my head , the whole sky is above me (sometime i work on the roof), that blue colour.... so nice :D

what else i think? erm... my future? i always consider which path should i choose so that i wont regret. everyone else is sharing their opinion with me, some are experiences too, much appreciate. although i m a happy go lucky person, but still something that i still nid to overcome, n also some feeling that i nid to keep on remind myself not to get to it too quickly. amazing / fairy tale love story, who dont want? but money is part of the matter that really need to be consider, and also m i mature enough to take over the responsibility that come after i opp into those situation whereby i need to spend part of my time with ther person. although i really want to get someone, but i guess now is not the time yet, hope she will wait?? hope that the probability of success is high ?? yup, hope so~ :D

well, almost 12 now, time to sleep, tmr stilll to wake up to work,  6 need to wake up to prepare myself, breakfast, packing some cloth, help mum to dry the cloth, then cabut to work.

so, new chapter of life started one month ago, so far so good, still alive,  tx to those who supported as well, mentally, physically, n spiritually, they will always be someone that when u saw him/her, u will be able to gain the strength u nid to continue ur daily life

selamat malam semua~ ^^